Privacy policy


The administrator of your personal data, gathered using the website is INCO Sp. z o.o. with its seat in Gliwice (44-100), ul. Gen. Andersa 2/4, TIN: 6312269198, REGON (statistical No.): 276782359, entered to the National Court Register under the number: 0000209846.

§ 1


Personal data will be processed in order to implement tender inquiries placed using our website, for the purposes of direct marketing concerning own products and services, representing the so called legally justified entrepreneur's interest. For these reasons, data will be processes according to art. 6(1) and (2) let. b), c) and f) of the European Parliament and Council (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on physical persons protection with reference to processing personal data and on free transfer of such data and on abrogation of the Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) - "Regulation".

After granting a separate consent, based on art. 6 (1) let. a) GDPR, data can be processed also to send commercial information via electronic means, according to art. 10 (2) of the Act of 18 July 2002 in providing services using electronic means.

Personal data processed for the purposes related to implementation of the tender inquiry will be processed for the period necessary for implementation of the offer and tender, and then the data subject to archiving will be kept for the period after which any claims are expired, i.e. 6 years. Personal data processed for marketing purposes covered by a declaration of consent will be processed until such consent is cancelled.

In case it is found that the processing of personal data infringes the GDPR regulations, a person that the data applies to, has the right to initiate a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.

Provision of the data is voluntary, however the provision of the indicated personal data is a precondition to submit a tender inquiry and the refusal to provide it releases the website administrator from answering any questions.

Unless the user provides its consent, personal data will not be processed automatically in the form of profiling, based on art. 6 (1) let. a) GDPR. As a consequence of profiling, a given user is granted a profile in order to take decisions concerning him/her or to analyse or predict his/her preference, behaviours and attitudes.

The administrator makes every endeavour to protect the interests of the persons providing data, especially ensures that data gathered by it is:

- processed according to the law,

- gathered for the identified purposes and according to the law and not processed for any other purposes,

- correct and adequate for the purposes it is processed for and kept in a form allowing for identification of a person it applies to, no longer than it is necessary to achieve the processing purpose.

§ 2


Person, the data applies to, has the right to access the content of their own personal data and to correct it, delete, limit the processing, the right to transfer data, initiate a complaint, the right to cancel the consent at any time, without any impact on the conformity with the right concerning to processing performed based on such consent before its cancellation.

In order to implement the rights mentioned in clause 1, you may send such information to the e-mail address:

§ 3


The service provider uses "cookiesť. Failure to make the changes in the Client's browser means consent for their use.

Installation of "cookies" is necessary for correct provision of services. "Cookies" files contain information necessary for the correct functioning of the website, especially information that requires authentication.

Three types of "cookies" are used within the website: "session", "fixed" and "analytical".

The "session cookies" are temporary files kept in the final device of a Client, until he / she is logged out (leaves the website).

The "fixed cookies" are kept in the final device of a Client for the period specified in the "cookies" files parameters or until they are removed by a Client.

The "analytical cookies" provide better Client's interaction within the website content and better website arrangement. The "analytical cookies" gather information about the way the website is used by a Client, type of the site a Client has been transferred from and the number of visits and time of Client's visits on the site. This information does not log any specific personal data of the Client, and is used to develop the statistics related to web usage.

Client has the right to take decisions regarding the "cookies" files accessing his / her computer, by their previous selection in the web browser. Detailed information concerning options and methods of "cookies" files handling is available in the software settings (Internet browser).

§ 4


Administrator uses technical and organizational resources that provide protection of the processed personal data appropriate to the hazards and category of data covered by protection, protects data against its disclosure to unauthorized persons, gathering by unauthorized person, processing that infringes the regulations as well as changing, losing, damaging and destroying.

Service provider makes the suitable technical resources available to prevent gathering and modifying personal data sent using electronic methods by unauthorized persons.

Provisions of the Decision of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016 / 679 of 27 April 2016 on physical persons protection with reference to processing personal data and free flow of such data as well as on abrogation of the Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and other applicable Polish laws apply in cases not settled by this Privacy Policy.